I've got some options here (think of it like Patreon) if you wanna support what I'm working on.

Tier 1

$5 / month

Get access to all my training materials! That includes any course, single training session, or behind-the-scenes content.
Access to my training library
Access to updates & behind the scenes posts
Tier 2

$8 / month

Along with all training materials, you'll receive full access to my collection of 3D assets, prop collections, and textures. Additionally, this tier includes your name in the site and video credits.
Everything in previous
Access to entire 3D asset & texture library
Unlimited downloads
Use for commercial & personal work
Get your name in site & video credits
Tier 3

$25 / month

You have full access to everything in the other plans. Plus, your name will be prominently displayed in the credits on my website, YouTube videos, and any other productions I release, along with a link to showcase whatever you are working on.
Everything in previous
Your name prominently displayed in the site & video credits, with optional link to whatever you want to showcase
(If you're sick of subscriptions)

$799 once

Perpetual means you pay once and gain access to my entire library, including all future updates. This includes everything in tier 3.
Pay once
Everything in previous
Your name prominently displayed in the site & video credits, with optional link to whatever you want to showcase
Some of you have expressed interest in supporting what I'm working, but aren't really interested in the perks. If that's you, I accept donations. These go straight towards producing more content in my series.
One time donation (you will not get library access)